In this part of the project, I tried to make a more personal connection with individuals in the Greek Community. I conducted a series of mini interviews with a sampling of RPI Greek affiliated students. I have posted the two questions which I asked each person and several selected responses. One interesting discovery was that members of the same fraternity seemed to have similar feelings towards the level of connection they feel with other Greek houses on campus. Also, IFC (interfraternity council) sports seemed to be the most common area of connection in most people's opinion.
Question 1: What made you join your specific fraternity/ sorority?
Question 2: Do you feel an overall sense of connection to the RPI Greek Community?
Jen, Alpha Gamma Delta
1. “I felt that I shared common interests with the girls in AGD. They were involved on campus, in athletics and shared the same values. They seemed like very down to earth girls. I had the most in common with girls in AGD than any other sorority.”
2. “I feel connected with the Greek community but only to a certain extent. I feel like I know some houses better than others because some houses also share similar interests and common reasons for joining.”
Cesar, Zeta Psi
1. “Guys brought me out to the house during rush. As a freshman it was a cool way to meet new people, both guys and girls. The guys at Zeta Psi were fun to hang out with and we shared similar interests.”
2. “Yea, through being in the fratnerity I have been able to meet more people in other Greek houses. Being Greek puts you under the same umbrella.”
Ray, Sigma Chi
1. “During rush I felt that the guys at Sigma Chi had a strong sense of brotherhood. There were all different kinds of guys. Since it is a smaller house there weren’t cliques within the brothers. It seemed to be a better running house and also a lot of fun.”
2. “I don’t feel a great sense of connection. I do feel that I am part of the community by being in a fraternity but I do not feel that we are all connected except in cases like the bonding together against the new rules being enforced by RPI. We are also connected somewhat through sports but not outside of that.”
Danielle, Alpha Omega Epsilon
1. “I knew girls in the sorority and I wanted to join a sorority with a specific goal.”
2. “I guess I feel connected, we do activities with other houses and in architecture there are people from all different houses.”
Wyatt, Pi Lambda Phi
1. “I joined because I got along with all the guys. They had a lot of guys involved in athletics and I liked their house.”
2. “Yea but I feel connected to some houses more than others. I feel more connected with the other Pi Lam chapters than with other fraternities at RPI.”
Casey, Delta Tau Delta
1. “I joined because one of the guys was helping me with my architecture classes. They were cool guys and made me feel welcome.”
2. “Yea, I was an IFC representative and now I am the President so I have meetings with the other houses.”
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